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Our Paulist Shepherds - Follow their Lead
Fr. Paolo's Website
Follow Fr. Paolo, pilgrim and missionary called to serve Generation Z, through the writings and photos on his websiteand to Hispanic ministry - visit his Reflexciones.
The Paulists on StoryCorps
The Paulists are a community of Catholic priests navigating between the spiritual and the secular to meet every person at any point on the journey of faith.
Both Colleen and Michael have long been active members of St. Austin Parish. While raising and homeschooling 4 daughters, Mike served as a catechist and an RCIA sponsor, while Colleen has worked with our youth ministry and our hospitality ministry. More recently, Colleen has assisted with the massive effort of moving us out of our old buildings, into our temporary facilities, and will assist with the move into our new building. This involved helping organize the parish move, disposing of unwanted accumulated stuff, and overseeing the various moves. Michael has been a long, active member of our Knights of Columbus and has also worked to help project-manage aspects of the overall building project and has focused on much of the new building technology. They have given generously of their time and talent for decades, giving witness to their deep faith and commitment to our parish.