Registration for RCIA and Adult Confirmation is ongoing. Classes meet from Labor Day through Easter.
Please fill out the form by clicking the button below so we can learn more about you. Once you submit the form, we will reach out to schedule a meeting.
This liturgical rite marks the beginning of the catechumenate described below. In this rite the inquirers are introduced to this supporting parish community. They make their first commitment of being open to the Word of God and Teachings of the Apostles.
The Catechumenate provides a fuller understanding of what it means to be a Catholic. It involves weekly participation in a Sunday Mass, small group conversation based on the Scriptural readings for a Sunday, and weekly Sunday morning classes on a particular teaching or practice in the Catholic Tradition. This segment culminates with a decision of commitment to Full Communion with the Catholic Church.
This liturgical rite, celebrated on the 1st Sunday of Lent, begins with a Rite of Sending by this parish to our Bishop. This is followed by a Diocesan-wide gathering during which the Bishop ratifies the Catechumens' readiness for the sacraments of initiation, and the Candidates' advancement toward full Communion. This marks the entry into the final period of preparation, corresponding with the season of Lent.
Reception into the Church, usually at the Easter Vigil, is celebrated with the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist. For those already baptized in another Christian denomination, full initiation into the Church is marked by their Profession of Faith and continues with Confirmation and Eucharist.
In the period between Easter Sunday and Pentecost the new Catholics continue to meet, investigating both the practical means of living in this new life in the Church, and the spiritual impact they are encountering in their young life as Catholics.
Flocknotes is our way to communicate news, updates, prayers, and spiritual resources from the adult and children faith formation ministries.